When and why obesity turns into orthorexia

According to World Health Organization (WHO) data; 200 million people in 1995, 300 million people in 2003, 500 million people in 2008 and 600...

Diversity and inclusion in healthcare cannot be left to chance

Corporate culture does not—or at least, should not—happen by accident. It should be rooted in your mission and cultivated in each and every employee....

Is it possible to be friends with diabetes, to live a normal and successful...

Contrary to what one might think, diabetes is also seen in children and everything is shaken when a child is diabetic. First, the meanings...


Does your body change together with your social or business life? This may be due to your eating habits or decrease in the time...

How International Patients Travel

Medical tourism as a practice of providing medical services outside patient’s country of residence has developed significantly in recent years. The term "medical tourism"...

Medical Travel Accreditation: Does it Matter?

There’s nothing new about the need for medical care oversight. As long as there have been modern hospitals, there have been safeguards in place...

The group that is making Lithuania a medical tourism star

A unique group of private providers has led EU member Lithuania’s push into the top ranks of medical tourism in recent years. The SK...


Traveling to a foreign country, to get a treat-ment can be a daunting prospect. As Rhaz-es Global, we strongly believe that your health should...

Importance of Payments in Medical Tourism

Patients travel for different reasons, including special treatments, new procedure opportunities, high rates in their own country, or getting away from friends. For medical...

Five Prostate Factor MYTHS You Should Know

Unfortunately, lots of myths and groundless assertions concerning cancer circulate in the media, mainly incorporated to unreliable internet or even newspaper articles which are...