Patient Experience

Defeating chondroma

The most important thing is faith, faith that you along with the people who surround you are stronger than Chondroma. “It probably doesn’t need a...


Does your body change together with your social or business life? This may be due to your eating habits or decrease in the time...

My Baby is American

The most important process of your life is short. You want everything to be the best for your child. By making, the choice you can...

Secret hero of shopping; label reading!

In recent years, the diversity of packaged foods has increased for healthy food consumption. Shopping at large markets in the city life with intensive...

Five Prostate Factor MYTHS You Should Know

Unfortunately, lots of myths and groundless assertions concerning cancer circulate in the media, mainly incorporated to unreliable internet or even newspaper articles which are...

Importance of Payments in Medical Tourism

Patients travel for different reasons, including special treatments, new procedure opportunities, high rates in their own country, or getting away from friends. For medical...